Imagine sitting in a comfortable chair, feeling so relaxed, getting into a deeply focused state, and listening to a beautiful story about yourself. Vividly imagining yourself on a journey of healing, releasing the things you no longer want, and collecting all of the things you do want for your life. Now imagine what it would be like to come back to consciousness feeling more resilient, more confident, more motivated, more at peace with the things you cannot control, having released old patterns, and behaviors that have kept you from your best life, able to sleep better, and able to tap into your inner creativity…….this is what hypnosis feels like. I like to refer to it as a mental massage. Something we can all use in this uncertain world. 

So what is hypnosis, and why does it work? Around 5% of our thoughts are conscious, hypnosis taps into our other 95% (subconscious) thoughts, those ones that we have on auto-pilot. Hypnosis guides us to a relaxed, and hyper-focused subconscious state. When we are in this state it releases beta-endorphins (an opioid neuropeptide), which can diminish pain, and lower stress hormones. Lowering stress hormones has profound benefits for the body, and mind. It also allows for a bypass of critical thinking, allowing us to override the learned beliefs, and default emotions that do not allow us to move forward in life. It is through releasing old beliefs, and constraints, that we are able to train our subconscious to a new, renewed way of propelling forward. This hyper-focused state allows us to better accept hypnotic suggestions. Your subconscious mind is in control of what hypnotic suggestions you are willing to accept, or reject, and is conditioned to keep you safe. So no worries, a hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything you do not want to do. This is why it is so important to only start this work when you are truly ready for it. The subconscious mind is intuitive, and unlimited in what it can learn. So it is also important to come with an open mind. A certified hypnotherapist is trained to create a script, and suggestions from the information you provide. These suggestions will help your subconscious mind retain new information, create new positive neural pathways, which will affect the changes you desire for your life. When you come with an open mind, and a willingness for change, you will receive the most benefits. Those with the most open, and creative minds can even tap into the superconscious mind, becoming more intuitive in the process. Hypnosis is a transcendent place that opens up a broader perspective of the world, and the infinite energy that surrounds us. It creates a quantam shift in thinking. I welcome you to look into quantum healing, to learn more about the positive effects it has on our immune systems, and the ability to create and attract more for yourself, and your life.

Hypnosis is:

  • a way to retrain the subconscious, and create optimal results
  • a way to release old patterns, and beliefs that no longer serve you
  • a way to enhance a positive mindset, and positive behaviors
  • a way for you to have mastery over your own thoughts (internal mind control)
  • a more focused state (alpha) where you will be able to respond, and remember what we are doing
  • an everyday occurrence (highway hypnosis- when you drive to a frequently visited destination, and you get there on auto-pilot, not remembering the drive. It is also the state you are in right before you fall asleep)
  • a way to create new neural pathways, and new learnings
  • a wonderful way to care for yourself
  • like meditation, but with a goal
  • a massage for the mind, infinitely relaxing
  • exercise for the brain. Helping you maintain brain health

Hypnosis is not:

  • brainwashing
  • sleeping (delta state)
  • giving up free will
  • giving up all of your deepest secrets, or sensitive information
  • allowing someone else to control your mind (external mind control)
  • black magic
  • a miracle cure

You might wonder what can hypnosis help with, well the answer is almost anything…….motivation, creativity, stress relief, anxiety, depression, releasing trauma, weight loss, pain management, confidence, relationship satisfaction, menopause symptoms, compulsive behaviors, smoking cessation, releasing bad habits, insomnia, work, sports, and academic performance, goal achievement, money issues, and so much more. 

Curious yet? I believe in the creative process, and I intuitively get to know my clients to create a customized story-telling approach. I love to create a therapeutic visualization, to free you from your own limitations- we are often our own worst enemy. Hypnosis is a wonderful journey to take yourself on. When you relate to the story we weave together, it tends to resonate, and take hold more securely. As you may have heard before, You are the most important project you will ever work on. And, You are capable of more than you know. Even people who are considered hypnotic resistors, tend to enjoy my process, and find success. And just for the record, anyone who has the ability to focus, also has the the ability to be hypnotized. Whether you contact me, or another hypnotherapist, I invite you to look into the invaluable benefits that hypnosis provides. You won’t regret it. If you would like to fast track a discovery call about hypnotherapy, please fill out this form:

For past life, or soul wisdom sessions please use this form:



If you haven’t explored the wonderful world of Reiki, give yourself a gift and just do it. The sessions I provide allow for stillness, and deep shifts. I utilize a mixture of Reiki, Shamanic practices, and Quantum Touch to create a session unique to you. I have a different process than most, and often a beautiful meditation will flow out of me if it is needed for you in that moment. A monthly Reiki session can transform your well-being, and your life. It has many health benefits, bringing peace, balance and tranquility to your body, mind and soul. If you feel stressed, anxious, worried, sad, or overwhelmed Reiki is a wonderful gift you can give yourself. If you would like to fast track a discovery call about Reiki, please fill out this form:


Oracle & Tarot Readings & Mediumship (Angel Readings or Soul Wisdom Energy Readings)

I am not a classically trained tarot reader. I do have a lot of tarot knowledge, but my readings are strictly intuitive. My style of intuitive readings comes mostly from imagery. I always use a blend of tarot and oracle to paint a complete picture for your reading. We pull your cards, and as I look at the card imagery within the card becomes illuminated for me, as a beautiful story unfolds for you. So many people come into my readings feeling nervous about the questions they are asking, and end up leaving with peace and ease after hearing the messages. For those who have lost a loved one, my angel readings are a beautiful way to connect with them, and ask some questions. I don’t do traditional mediumship, but I can utilize the cards, and your questions to bring you peace for the grief you may be experiencing. To schedule a reading, please call or text: 503.452.0305
